Middle School (6-8)
At FCCS we know the “in-between years” can be tough to navigate. It’s our goal to help our middle school students gain more independence and responsibility while providing them a challenging education and supportive Christian environment. It’s important to recognize and nurture the individual talents of each student, to help them thrive as they make the transition from middle school to high school. Our academic focus is on academics, faith development, life skills, how to relate effectively with others, and community service. FCCS middle school students continue learning core academic skills in Math, English, History, Science, Bible, and are offered elective options in order to effectively continue their preparation in learning and development
High School (9-12)
High School is such an essential time in life when teens are are fining out who they are and what their purpose is now and in the future. At FCCS, learning is engaging, meaningful, relatable, and relevant. We believe the purpose of FCCS is to prepare and challenge high school students in mind, body and spirit with a quality Christian education that prepares them for post secondary education and training as they obtain and apply knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the world around them. Our philosophy is to encourage thoughtful, wise, and God-centered decision-making, goals, and strategies by helping students to understand their gifts, personalities, interests, and values. FCCS high school curriculum also offers honor classes and dual enrollment options.
Principal – Dr. Shirmeka Legentus
Guidance Counselor – Mrs. Whitney James